A Special Thanks to...
Thanks to Thomas for the excellent music for the intro video.
Thanks to Richard at RLN Images for the ghostly main page photograph. See more of Richard's work at http://www.rlnimages.com.
Thanks to Ian the Magician for answering our questions about paranormal footage.
Thanks to Jonathan for the Belcourt Castle Re-creation! E-mail Jonathan at Jonathan.Fenderson@gmail.com.
Thanks to Dave Schrader from the radio show "Darkness on the Edge of Town" for the wonderful interview experience. Visit Dave at http://www.darknessradio.com.
Thanks to Richard Saunders of "Mystery Investigators" for the fantastic podcast interview. Visit Richard at http://www.mysteryinvestigators.com.
Thanks to FearTurtles, fallingleaves, CelticWarrior, cre8ivegirl, morningafter, and all the other members of the TAPS Revealed Forum for their debunkations, insights, and support. Visit the TAPS Revealed Forum.
Thanks to Phil Plait for a point in the right direction. Visit Phil at http://www.badastronomy.com
Thanks to Jeff, Skeptic Guy, LostAngeles, Skankarella, TPrime, Loon, fowlsound, and many more members of the JREF forums for support, help, and guidance. Visit the JREF Forums.
Thanks to C.M. Hall for the hard work on the paranormal survey and allowing us to post the results. E-mail C.M. Hall at survey82006@hotmail.com.
Thanks to Amy of DFW Ghost Hunters for the invitation to speak at their Paranormal Meetup. Visit DFW Ghost Hunters.