Tamara Hawk, Psychic Medium
The most expensive reading, at $75. Visit at http://www.tamarahawk.com
Tamara's Information Sheet
Tamara had no initial information sheet. We sent the payment via Paypal and included this e-mail:
Hi, Tamara. I just sent my paypal payment for an e-mail reading.
I only have two questions:
- Is Robert alive or dead?
- Where is Robert?
Thanks much,
Tamara's Reading
This is what Tamara told us concerning Robert... we will be in blue, and her responses will be italicized. After our e-mail conversation continued (which we cannot post yet because it contains information about the real story of Robert) and Tamara realized she was off, she refunded our money without us even asking. Thanks, Tamara!
Hi, Tamara. I purchased a reading on the morning of the 19th. It is now the afternoon of the 22nd. I was wondering whether you are going to do the reading or I should ask for a refund.
Please let me know ASAP.
-- Alison Smith
Hi Alison,
You just happened to catch me at my PC.
As stated on my site, it can take up to a week for your reading (I do meditations
on them). Your payment just cleared paypal this morning.
If you would like a refund, let me know and I can provide one for you immediately.
Otherwise I will have your reading for you in the next 3 days or so. Let me
In Light & Love
Hi Alison,
Sorry this has taken so long to get to you. I've meditated on this twice and
one thing that I keep getting is "pet". So I guess what I need to
know, is Robert a pet, and if not, did he have a pet that was very important
to him, or do you have a pet of his?
For the record, it does not feel like Robert is dead.
I also get a visual of what looks like a park/forest, but it is in or beside
a city because I see buildings right around all the grass and trees.
Anyway, if you want to take this further, I can do that no problem. If you can confirm or deny about the pet thing, that might help me past that part when I am focusing in. Perhaps Robert's last name or who he is to you, would help me to get past that point.
If you don't feel comfortable providing that info, let me know. I can either carry on, or you may request a refund. I leave it up to you.
In Light & Love
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