Your Opinions
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For this section of the web site, SAPS has contacted influential people in both paranormal and skeptical fields as well as posting on paranormal and skeptical forums. The question is simple: If you believe in the paranormal, why? If you don't, why not? Have you ever?
The promise SAPS has made is to credit properly, link back if possible, not comment on anyone's opinion, and not alter the quotation in any way. All of these quotes were used with permission, and everyone who has added to the section has the option of having theirs removed at any time, for any reason.
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Add "Publish me" somewhere in the e-mail, and soon you'll see your opinion expressed in this section as well.
SAPS is devoted to looking at alternate possibilities. Please help us achieve this goal.
Alison Smith, SAPS founder
Patrick Burns, "Haunting Evidence"
I'm 90-95% convinced of ghosts and hauntings. This is purely subjective and comes from my own experiences and observations. Even though I'm nearly convinced, as an investigator, I force myself to keep the door slightly ajar to other possibilities. Maybe we've made a simple mistake and overlooked something in our research? Maybe its being caused by another natural phenomena (not ghosts) that science has not discovered yet? Until we know for certain, we must remain open to all possibilities and not be absolute believers, nor absolute disbelievers (cynics).
Visit Patrick at Ghost Hounds, Paranormal Investigators Network:
Jeff Wagg, James Randi Educational Foundation
As youngster, I went to CCD and Catholic church. I asked a lot of questions. One day, our regular priest was sick, and an elderly replacement came in and used the microphone. I'd never heard sound coming out of the PA before, so I figured.. AHA! This is God! He finally showed up!
Well, I was quickly disabused of this notion. So I wondered, well, where is he? I postulated all sorts of ideas while watching Davey and Goliath early Sunday mornings..
At one point I concluded that God was simply a puppet master. And then, when I was sick, someone accidentally told me there was no Santa Claus. And it all fell into place. Adults will lie in order to make kids believe in things that are fun, but aren't true. No Easter Bunny, no Great Pumpkin.. and no God.
In college, I was briefly swayed by evangelicals and gave generic christianity a try. An honest, full-hearted try. At Bible study one day, I propsoed that we should love Satan, as he is our enemy. This idea was received with much hostility and horror. And more questions from me..
And then I realized, if there was a God, it would be so blatantly obvious that I wouldn't have any doubt.
Now, as for other stuff.. I've dabbled with runes, tarot, and even witchcraft. Once, I composed a spell and carried it out.. and the next day the snow I had asked for came. In great amounts.
It was fun to believe that I had such power, and I worked hard to cultivate that belief. But truthfully, it was just a compensation for a lonely childhood.
Now, as I approach 40, things are clearer and I only want to believe in things that are real.
Visit Jeff at the James Randi Educational Foundation:
More Opinions:
- Skeptical Investigators
- Paranormal Investigators
- JREF Forum Members Opinions
- Ghost Hounds Paranormal Investigations Network Forum
- Sylvia Browne Myspace Group
- TAPS Revealed Forum
- TAPS Myspace Group
- Religion and the Paranormal
Groups that did not respond: TAPS Main Forum, John Edward and the Afterlife and Psychic Forum, Darkness on the Edge of Town Paranormal Radio Show Forum
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